Latest Projects

Cover .jpg for Let's Eat web app

Let's Eat!

A social media site where users can login, add restaurants to their profile, link to menus, comment on restaurants, interact with other users, log & rate items that they've ordered, and more!

Cover .gif for Breath Guide web app

Breath Guide

Lightweight web app to help guide you through different breathing techniques in real-time, using either text or speech synthesis. Great for mobile-phone use!

Cover .gif for Medical Logging web app

Medical Logging Tracker

Full-stack web app to keep a daily log of medical readings (weight, blood pressure, etc.) to report to your doctor. Supports user accounts and checking-off of processed logs.

Cover photo for presentation on the fundamentals of MVC

MVC Presentation

The fundamentals of the Model/View/Controller architectural paradigm for structuring web applications, presented via Google Slides.

Cover gif for Ville Callio website

Portfolio for visual artist Ville Callio

Website to showcase some of the 2d & 3d art (and incoherant ramblings) of visual artist Ville Callio.

Cover .gif for PokeSprite app


Ever want to know what the front, back, & shiny in-game sprites look like for all 905 (+ forms) Pokemon? Select or search for one and find out!

Cover photo for local restaurant app

Reading PA Restaurants

Simple website for friends in the Reading, PA area to figure out what they want to eat.